Help ECCC continue the work of supporting all elders in Franklin County, Florida to live with dignity and respect. ECCC’s mission is to bridge the gaps in services for elders in our neighborhood.
The 5k Run is a Gulf Winds Track Club 2023 Grand Prix Race event!
Premier Platinum: $2,500
Platinum: $1,000
Gold: $500
Silver: $200
Bronze: $100
Contributor: $25
Make your commitment of $100 or more by July 15 to get you name on race day sponsor board and all promotional activity.
Go to Eventbrite to get your tickets. Bring your family and friends out to support ECCC’s mission to bridge the gaps in services to elders in our county. Sponsorships now accepted. Get yours in by July 12 to get on our sponsor board.
Sponsor Name______________________________________________
Contact Name_______________________________________________
Mailing Address______________________________________________
City _______________________________________
State______________Zip Code_________________
Sponsor Level Cash Donation $ _______________
In Kind Donation ___________________________
Retail Value $ _______________________
Check here if you would like your name/business to be on our sponsor board ($100 & UP)_________
Thanks for your support!!!
Mail form to ECCC, PO Box 335, Eastpoint, FL 32328 or call 850-370-0116 and we will come and pick it up from you!