First ECCC On-Line AuctionElder Care Community Council of Franklin County, ECCC, is collecting items for our first Sizzler 5K On-Line Auction. The auction will go live on Thursday, August 5 at noon and close at 10pm on August 9th. If you have an item to donate, text a picture to Bonnie Kellogg at 850-509-5009, adding a description of the item and suggested starting bid. Call Bonnie Kellogg if you have questions at 850-509-5009 or email us at ecccfranklin@gmail.com. We are asking for your help to raise money to continue to feed over 100 people everyday Monday through Friday at Holy Family in Apalachicola and to bring the gaps in services to those over age 55 living in Franklin County, our community. We thank the 53 sponsors, so far, for the ECCC SGI Sizzler 5K Race & One Mile Fun Run on August 7th. Purchase your tickets on Eventbrrite at this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/eccc-sgi-sizzler-5k-race-one-mile-fun-runwalk-tickets-95919803715?aff=affiliate1 Donate on our pay pal account at this link: PayPal.me/ecccfranklin Contact us at 850-370-0116 or ecccfranklin@gmail.com to volunteer and get involved! You can always mail donations to: ECCC PO Box 335 Eastpoint, FL 32328 Thank you for your support. |