The kitchen staff at Holy Family Senior Center continues to prepare 100+ hot lunches Monday through Friday. Thank you Carolyn, Shermaine and Abe! ECCC is really making a difference for those elders with food insecurity right in our neighborhood. Dedicated volunteers delver the meals to almost 50 homebound and we could not do this without their time and energy. We are purchasing food and utilizing all donations to meet these needs so that no one is hungry that is over age 55. If you know someone that needs our assistance, please let us know by calling 850-370-0116. It’s fall, and we wanted to let you know some things we are planning. Are you an artist or Christmas Tree lover? Or are you feeling creative and want to help decorate a 3 foot tree to be auctioned for ECCC at the First Annual Apalachicola Winterfest at the HCA? Let Your imagination run wild… The more creative the better! Prelit three foot trees arrive this week and will need to be returned decorated mid November. Proceeds help us continue to feed people through Holy Family. Call or text Bonnie at 850-509-5009 for more information on how to get your tree for decorating. Do you love music and want to support ECCC? A double header show is planned for November 10 at Holy Family Senior Center. Boo Radley and the Wamps will perform. The weather will be good and the doors can be open to provide fresh air in the large gathering room with tall ceilings. We hope you will join us and make a generous donation to ECCC to support this fun. Doors open at 5:30pm with the music starting promptly at 6pm. Mark your calendar for Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving, on December 7th. More information to come but it is a great time to consider your end of year contribution to ECCC to support our mission to bridge the gaps in services to elders in Franklin County Florida. The on-going pandemic has brought many challenges for all of us and ECCC is doing the absolute best we can to assure that elders are having a better quality of life in our neighborhood and community. We appreciate your support of our efforts! Please us at or call Bonnie at 850-509-5009 if you are able to volunteer your time to decorate a Christmas Tree. Call Val at 850-370-0116 to volunteer to help out with the daily lunch delivery. Let ECCC know if you have any other ideas or information to share. Together we are making a difference in Franklin County, Florida. ECCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving elders in Franklin County Florida. Facebook: ECCC E Triple C 850-370-0116 ECCC PO Box 335 Eastpoint, FL 32328 |